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How to become ACE Branch Advisor

1. 必須擁有TM6同時是使用者

2. 付費RM280加入,同時可以獲得價值超過RM618 的 Lit Advisor Kit, 付費RM480加入,同時可以獲得價值超過RM 1200的 Advisor Kit

To become an Active Thermomix Advisor, you are required

1. To own and use TM6

2. To join RM 280 advisory package you will get a lite advisor kit worth RM618 , and join RM480 advisory package and you will receive a set of Advisor Kit worth more than RM1200


3. 目前都是線上訓練和線上會議,適合在家也可以工作😄 

Currently we practice online training as well as online meeting, hence it is very suitable to work even from home

4. 每個人只有一次機會,90天內售賣6台 就可以免費獲得一台免費的 Thermomix TM6

Every one who joined Advisor will be entitled to once in a lifetime opportunity to earn yourself a free Thermommix. This programmed called NAEP, which you will be earning 1x Free Thermomix if you able to close 6 x Thermomix sales within first 90days.

  • 90天后或者完成 6台後就可以進入 commission based - After 90days Program or completion of NAEP program, you will be rewarded base on Commission. 

  • 佣金從 RM800 to RM1200 一台根據每個 period 的 sales - Commission for each Sales are amount between RM800-RM1200 , refresh every period.
    (加入後可以獲取period calendar, 4個星期一個period) Period Calendar will be given , calculated base on 4 weeks every period.

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首 6台 / 90天內 顧問是沒有commission 的

如你有做到銷售,你將可以在 90天後的 30天內用便宜的顧問價格購買到一台 Thermomix TM6 
Eg: 90天內只售賣到 1 台TM, 將可以用顧問特別價在90天後 用 RM5800 購買到一台全新的 Thermomix TM6

Note :

There is no commission for first 6 units / first 90 days sales

If you have successfully closed any sales in the first 90 days, you are entitled to purchase a unit of TM6 with a lower price, within next 30 days. As it is a lower price offer, hostess gift is not included.


If you successfully sold a unit of TM within 90 days, you are entitled to purchase a unit of brand new TM6 at RM5800 under your name.

5.如你提早在45天內就可以完成6台銷售 你也可以得到更多的顧問獎勵

You will receive additional advisor rewards if you able to close 6 units of sales in less than 45 days.

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6.關於 90天後的 commission 將會根據公司的calendar 來計算 (by period) 每個period 都會重新歸零

6. Regarding commission scheme after 90 days

Commission is computed accordance to company calendar, by period basis. It is not accumulated and will start from zero at each period.

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趕快聯絡妳的ACE Branch 小美殺手顧問了解更多,現在就加入我們!

We welcome you to look for your Advisor from ACE Branch to know more, and we welcome you to join us now !

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